Source code for viennagrid.config

#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import wrapper as _wrapper


CARTESIAN   = 'cartesian'
POLAR       = 'polar'
SPHERICAL   = 'spherical'
CYLINDRICAL = 'cylindrical'



	CARTESIAN:      (1, 2, 3),
	CYLINDRICAL:    (3,),
	POLAR:          (2,),
	SPHERICAL:      (3,),


LINE_TAG          = 'linear'
TRIANGLE_TAG      = 'triangular'
TETRAHEDRON_TAG   = 'tetrahedral'
QUADRILATERAL_TAG = 'quadrilateral'
HEXAHEDRON_TAG    = 'hexahedral'



[docs]class Configuration(object): """ This class stores the necessary information to characterize the configuration of a domain: * numeric type (data type used for number representation) * coordinate system * dimension of the space * cell tag (string that identifies which type of cell the domain consists of) and provides useful functions for retrieving the appropriate types for points, domains and segmentations. """ def __init__(self, cell_tag, coord_system, dim=None): super(Configuration, self).__init__() # Set numeric_type to double self._numeric_type = 'double' # Set cell_tag if cell_tag not in CELL_TAGS: raise ValueError('Unsupported cell tag') else: self._cell_tag = cell_tag # Set coord_system if coord_system not in COORD_SYSTEM_TAGS: raise ValueError('Unsupported coordinate system tag') else: self._coord_system = coord_system # Set dim if dim is not None: if not isinstance(dim, int): raise TypeError('Dimension must be an integer') if dim not in SUPPORTED_DIMENSIONS[coord_system]: raise ValueError('Unsupported dimension: %(dim)s' % locals()) self._dim = dim else: if len(SUPPORTED_DIMENSIONS[coord_system]) == 1: self._dim = SUPPORTED_DIMENSIONS[coord_system][0] else: raise TypeError('Dimension has not been specified') @property
[docs] def numeric_type(self): """Return the data type used for number representation (this is always the string `'double'`).""" return self._numeric_type
[docs] def coord_system(self): """Return the coordinate system tag.""" return self._coord_system
[docs] def cell_tag(self): """Return the cell tag.""" return self._cell_tag
[docs] def dim(self): """Return the dimension of the space as an integer.""" return self._dim
[docs] def point_type(self): """ Return appropriate point type based on this configuration :returns: Low-level point type """ classname = ''.join(['Point', self.coord_system.title(), str(self.dim), 'D']) return _wrapper.__getattribute__(classname)
[docs] def domain_type(self): """ Return appropriate domain type based on this configuration :returns: Low-level domain type """ classname = ''.join([self.cell_tag.title(), self.coord_system.title(), str(self.dim), 'D_Domain']) return _wrapper.__getattribute__(classname)
[docs] def segmentation_type(self): """ Return appropriate segmentation type based on this configuration :returns: Low-level segmentation type """ classname = ''.join([self.cell_tag.title(), self.coord_system.title(), str(self.dim), 'D_Segmentation']) return _wrapper.__getattribute__(classname)
[docs] def make_point(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a new low-level (:mod:`viennagrid.wrapper`) point based on this configuration As arguments you can pass the coordinates of the point to create, or nothing at all. If you specify the coordinates of the point, the number of arguments must match the dimension of the space (i.e. the number of coordinates that the are needed to describe the location of the point in the space). :returns: Low-level point """ PointType = self.point_type return PointType(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def make_domain(self): """ Create a new low-level (:mod:`viennagrid.wrapper`) domain based on this configuration :returns: Low-level domain """ DomainType = self.domain_type return DomainType()
[docs] def make_segmentation(self, domain): """ Create a new low-level (:mod:`viennagrid.wrapper`) segmentation based on this configuration. :param domain: Domain on which to base the segmentation. :type domain: A domain class from :mod:`viennagrid.wrapper` which matches this configuration class :returns: Low-level segmentation """ SegmentationType = self.segmentation_type return SegmentationType(domain)
[docs] def make_accessor(self, accessor_type): """ Create a new low-level (:mod:`viennagrid.wrapper`) accessor or field based on this configuration. :param domain: Domain on which to base the segmentation. :type domain: A domain class from :mod:`viennagrid.wrapper` which matches this configuration class :returns: Low-level accessors or field """ classname = ''.join([self.cell_tag.title(), self.coord_system.title(), str(self.dim), 'D_', accessor_type.title(), '_Accessor']) cls = _wrapper.__getattribute__(classname) return cls() ######################### # COMMON CONFIGURATIONS # #########################
linear_1d = Configuration(LINE_TAG, CARTESIAN, 1) linear_2d = Configuration(LINE_TAG, CARTESIAN, 2) linear_3d = Configuration(LINE_TAG, CARTESIAN, 3) triangular_2d = Configuration(TRIANGLE_TAG, CARTESIAN, 2) triangular_3d = Configuration(TRIANGLE_TAG, CARTESIAN, 3) tetrahedral_3d = Configuration(TETRAHEDRON_TAG, CARTESIAN, 3) quadrilateral_2d = Configuration(QUADRILATERAL_TAG, CARTESIAN, 2) quadrilateral_3d = Configuration(QUADRILATERAL_TAG, CARTESIAN, 3) hexahedral_3d = Configuration(HEXAHEDRON_TAG, CARTESIAN, 3)